Funny Business with Jane Wells

VC cover bands? The Doerrs

Sitting around waiting for your smartphone to ring with news that your start-up will get the funding needed to finally start up? Kill some time playing the latest enterprenerd time-suck on Twitter, the #VCCoverBands hashtag.

Such fun mashups are a favorite pastime for tweeters. For example, #IfThatMovieWasJewish led to creative suggestions like "The Devil Wears Schmatta" and "The Wizard of Oy."

But melding the names of famous musicians or bands with venture capital firms? That takes real nerds.

Light My Fire! The Doors meet VC?
Michael Ochs Archives | Getty Images

Here are my favorites so far:

The Doerrs (@MidianiteManna)

BenchMarky Mark (@whitneyg)

LinkedIn Park (@BeninJLM)

Rolling Biz Stone (@TractionTribe)

Ray Charles River (@antonejohnson)

Rage Against the Lean Startup Machine (@BeninJLM)

The 83(b)-52s (@whoisdjrico)—you really have be in the game to get this one.

Fred Wilson Phillips (@StartupLJackson)

And, for extra credit, @rkischuk tweets: "Best song: 'We're not gonna fund it!' "

Inspired by these efforts, and with some time to kill myself, I put on my thinking cap. Granted, it's a small cap for a small brain, so I included hedge funds and private equity to increase my options. How goes:

Peter, Paulson and Mary

Carlyle Simon

Loeb Dylan

Accel Rose

LLC Cool Jay

Johnny Cash Flow

Ackman-Turner Overdrive

... and that's about it. I worked hard to find bands that would work with names like Andreessen or Icahn, but came up empty (Jethro Tull's Ian Andreessen?). Suggestions?

—By CNBC's Jane Wells. Follow her on Twitter: @janewells.