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Net Net: Promoting innovation and managing change

Morning six-pack: What we're reading Thursday

Bill Ackman
David Grogan | CNBC

Happy Thursday. To our great relief, Bill Ackman has never accused the Morning Six-Pack of being a pyramid scheme.

If, of course, you have anything to do with Herbalife, then the crusading hedge fund manager does have you in his cross hairs, which may not be such a happy place. (InvestorPlace)

When pollution pays: Panasonic is giving employees extra compensation to put up with China's abhorrent air quality. (Agence France-Presse via The Guardian)

Of course, it's not just the outside air that's foul in China. Indoor work can be pretty hazardous as well, as Apple employees there know all too well. (Salon)

Don't believe anybody when they tell you the market has failed. That's not how it works. (RealClearMarkets)

Pick a number, any number, and imagine the stock market going there. Twenty-six thousand? Sure, why not? (MSN)

And finally ... it's not a lot of fun to be Pimco's Bill Gross these days. Investors continue to yank money out of his firm, as's Matt Clinch details.

—By CNBC's Jeff Cox. Follow him on Twitter @JeffCoxCNBCcom.