Net Net: Promoting innovation and managing change
Net Net: Promoting innovation and managing change

Morning Six-Pack: What we're reading Friday

Source: Apple

Happy Friday. Get your Beats on and enjoy an end-of-the-week Morning Six-Pack.

The tech world is freaking out this morning (check out the comments section of this article) over the prospect of Apple buying Beats in an acquisition rumored to be worth a stunning, staggering, whopping $3.2 billion. (The Verge)

Get ready for a steady stream of rants about why Apple is completely crazy for buying a company for which it may have little actual use. (Forbes)

The deal, though, could increase Apple's "cool factor" among gadget lovers. (Washington Post)

On Wall Street today the talk is all about former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's new book that hits in the stands next week. Among the many admissions is that he was too soft on big banks. Wow, Tim, ya think? (New York Post)

Forget Bridgegate: New Jersey Gov. and rising Republican superstar Chris Christie's biggest problem may be the Garden State's financial woes. (Politico)

And, finally...This timely reminder to all you brand new millionaires whose names were called in Thursday's first found of the NFL draft: Watch your wallets.'s Michelle Fox explains.