Weather and Natural Disasters

Nor'easter Set to Bring Two Days of Heavy Winds and Rain

Patrick Garrity and M. Alex Johnson

A second nor'easter in two weeks will slug the Interstate 95 corridor starting Tuesday, prompting winter storm watches and warnings in six states. The storm is expected to arrive Tuesday with strong winds and 2 inches of rain from Maine to New Jersey, according to The Weather Channel.

Flood watches were posted by the National Weather Service over much of southern New England south into New Jersey, including the New York City region, Boston and Hartford, Connecticut.

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Nor'easter brewing along East Coast
Nor'easter brewing along East Coast

The storm is expected to be a long, drawn-out affair, dropping heavy rain on some parts of New England as late as Thursday night, the National Weather Service said.

And its effects were already being felt as it approached the Atlantic coast: State Highway 12, the only road connecting Hatteras Island to the North Carolina mainland, was closed for a few hours Monday morning because a combination of high tide and strong onshore winds from the outer edges of the storm flooded it, the state Transportation Department said.

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The storm is expected to bring powerful sustained winds and gusts of up to 60 mph, especially during the worst of the wet weather Tuesday afternoon. The rain is forecast to change over to snow overnight into Wednesday, with the heaviest snow in the interior Northeast from northern Pennsylvania to northern Maine.

Six inches of snow could fall in some places, and as much as 2 feet in higher elevations. Flight delays are probable in Northeast hubs on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to The Weather Channel.