Central Banks

Central banks 'Kool-Aid pushers' of markets: Roth

Fed is Kool-Aid pusher of stock market: Roth
Fed is Kool-Aid pusher of stock market: Roth

The Federal Reserve and other central banks will serve as "key drivers" of stock market performance in 2015, CNBC contributor Carol Roth said on Monday.

"The Fed and central banks around the world are the Kool-Aid pushers, if you will, of the stock market," Roth said on CNBC's "." "And as long as they are bringing Kool-Aid or punch or whatever flavor of the month it is to the punch bowl, I think it would be silly to push back against these central banks."

Brendan McDermid | Reuters

The Fed has held off on raising interest rates as the U.S. economic recovery continues. Roth believes that there is "better than a 50 percent chance" the central bank will not raise rates next year.

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CNBC contributor Larry Kudlow, while not ruling out rate hikes, agreed with Roth that the Fed will maintain soft monetary policy.

"I do think the Fed will be easy this year," Kudlow said.

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Earlier on Monday, Kudlow contended that the Fed's quantitative easing program, which ended earlier this year, failed to bring about its intended effect but "didn't do any harm."