
China-linked hackers attack American Airlines, Sabre systems: Bloomberg

Hackers breach American Airlines and Sabre systems
Hackers breach American Airlines and Sabre systems

China-linked hackers have attacked the computer systems of U.S. airline company American Airline and travel reservations platform provider Sabre, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the investigations.

The same hackers had targeted insurer Anthem Inc in February and the U.S. government's personnel office in June, Bloomberg reported on Friday.

However, American Airline spokesman Casey Norton said the company had found no evidence that customer data might have been compromised.

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American Airline "has worked with outside cyber security experts who checked digital signatures, IP addresses and the style of attack and there's no evidence to suggest a breach similar to that experienced by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management," he said in an email to Reuters.

Sabre was not immediately available for comment.

The group had also hacked the systems of another U.S. airline operator United Continental in May or early June, Bloomberg reported last month.

American Airline shares some network infrastructure with Sabre, a former subsidiary that the U.S. airline operator spun off into a separate company in 2000.