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Kanye for President? Twitter goes wild

Kanye West onstage during the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards.
Christopher Polk | MTV1415 | Getty Images

Kanye West, no stranger to headline-grabbing antics at MTV's annual Video Music Awards (VMAs), has upped the ante. And Twitter loves it.

Using his acceptance speech on Sunday for a Video Vanguard Award, the rapper-cum-designer announced plans to run for the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. This was just minutes after he admitted to getting high before coming on stage.

Social media had a field day immediately following the revelation, with Twitter users poking fun at everything from West's famously rambling award acceptance speeches to the idea of reality TV star Kim Kardashian as First Lady.

We bring you a few of the highlights.

Kanye 4 Prez


Kanye's SOTU would clock in at 4 hours

We already have a rapper running for President- he has lots of cash, lives large & constantly talks about how great he is. #Kanye #Trump

"As First Lady, I will put all the skills I learned as a Famous Person to good use..."

If Kanye runs for president in 2020, does that mean Kim will be Thirst Lady? I'll see myself out

Kanye for Fed chair

If Janet won't print money, Kanye will

Just think #Kanye's daughter North West already has a gate named for her at the WH. #VMA #Kanye2020

The West West Wing.