Republican Presidential Debate

GOP candidates on retirement and student debt

Candidates on entitlements
Candidates on entitlements
GOP candidates on the student debt debate
GOP candidates on the student debt debate
Claiming Social Security at this age can cost you
Claiming Social Security at this age can cost you

Two numbers loom large in any discussion about the economic future of the U.S.: $1.3 trillion and 2034.

Collectively, America has nearly $1.3 trillion in student-loan debt outstanding. By 2034, the Social Security Administration forecasts that its trust fund for retirement benefits will be exhausted.

How to deal with unprecedented levels of student debt and fix Social Security for future generations are two major issues that the next president will face. We've compiled proposals on these issues from the major Republican presidential candidates. This chart will be updated as candidates offer more details on their plans during the campaign.

Click on the candidate, then click on the issue.