
Air France KLM details fallout from Paris attacks

Tourist numbers decline after Paris attacks
Tourist numbers decline after Paris attacks

Air France KLM estimates the negative impact of the Paris attacks on total November revenue at around 50 million euros ($54.27 million), while the Bank of France has cut its forecast for economic growth for the country to 0.3 percent.

The carrier reported a 1.8 percent rise in passenger traffic in November despite the Nov. 13 militant attacks that killed 130 people in Paris.

November bookings were negatively impacted by the attacks, with the Japanese and United States markets particularly badly hit, Chief Financial Officer Pierre-Francois Riolacci told journalists on Tuesday.

Korean tourists pose for a selfie outside the Louvre musem on Nov. 15, 2015 in Paris.
Getty Images

However, the impact of the November attacks will not be enough to jeopardize the company's 2015 targets, CFO Pierre-Francois Riolacci told journalists on Tuesday.

Riolacci added the company was on track for a gradual recovery, and that based on trends observed following the terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005 it would take three to six months to recover lost bookings.

Meanwhile the French central bank said the Nov. 13 terror attacks dragged on services activity. It had previously forecast a fourth quarter expansion of 0.4 percent.

The central bank gave the estimate in a monthly business sentiment survey which showed the index for morale in the service sector fell in November to 96 from a downwardly revised 97 in October.