Advisor Insight

10 steps to take after you win $415M Powerball

Jackpot! Now what?

Stephen Stickler | Getty Images

Saturday's Powerball lottery drawing will be worth at least $415 million, making it one of the largest in history, if nowhere close to the $1.6 billion jackpot in the multi-state drawing back in January. What to do in the highly unlikely event that you do win this time around? Conventional wisdom dictates that the first — and smartest — thing to do is meet with financial and legal experts to sort out all your newfound money issues. OK ... but once you've got cash in hand, what then? Here's an unconventional list of potential next steps for brand-new billionaires. Have fun ... and good luck!

— By CNBC's Jim Pavia & Kenneth Kiesnoski
Updated and reposted 6 May 2016. Originally published 12 January 2016

Ring, ring

Miodrag Ignjatovic | Getty Images

1. Get a new phone number ... and keep it unlisted. This will help avoid those unwanted calls.


Anders Clark | Getty Images

2. Avoid contact with all the friends and relatives coming out of the woodwork whom you have not heard from in years and years.

Lounge lizard

Alija | Getty Images

3. Dust off that cabana wear. It's high time for a vacation or that country club membership.

Parlez-vous francais?

Aleksandar Nakic | Getty Images

4. Start learning new languages for all that travel you will be doing.

Hasta la vista

Ricardo Mojana | Getty Images

5. Prepare a proper way to tell your boss he (or she) was a real pain in the butt and you quit.

Anchors away!

Barry Winiker | Getty Images

6. Come up with a great name for your new yacht.

Home away from home

Lisa-Blue | Getty Images

7. Decide if now is the time to buy that new villa in Tuscany. Or is it a buyer's market on the French Riviera?

No free ride

Liam Norris | Getty Images

8. Remind your kids they still need to get jobs and support themselves. No free lunch!

His and hers

Mark Evans | Getty Images

9. Is buying matching sports cars too bold of a move?

Spread the wealth

Hans Neleman | Getty Images

10. Finally, give money to charities you believe in. It's the right thing to do.