Personal Finance

The best jobs in America

Did your job make the list?

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Forget the year of the monkey; 2016 may just be the year of the new career. 

Nearly half, or 45 percent, of people are planning to look for a new job in 2016, according to a Glassdoor survey. And many job seekers have already gotten started.

But before you log on to LinkedIn, consider which gigs pay the best, have the greatest opportunity for advancement and, most importantly, are hiring.

Surprisingly, some of these jobs may be ones you've never heard of.

Tax managers and solutions architects ranked among the best jobs in America for 2016, according to a recently released Glassdoor report. Among the top 5, the job with the highest average base salary: engagement manager, at $125,000.

The best jobs were chosen from a Glassdoor ranking that took into account earning potential, career opportunities and number of job openings.

So did your job make the list? Click ahead for the top 5. 

— By CNBC's Jessica Dickler
Posted 20 January 2016

Mobile developer

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Number of job openings: 2,251

Median base salary: $90,000

If you can't see it on your smartphone, does it exist? That's why mobile developers, who adapt websites and services for iOS and Android mobile technology, are in such great demand.

"They are the builder of the company's mobile real estate," said Glassdoor's chief economist, Dr. Andrew Chamberlain. Fortunately for those who want to try their hand at this career path, there are a slew of online courses and classes that can get you up to speed. "This is a position that someone could easily get into," Chamberlain said.

Engagement manager

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Number of job openings: 1,356

Median base salary: $125,000

The account manager of 2016, engagement managers are the new "it" professions, in part because of the high-level role they play as a company's front line with clients and the main point of contact. 

As the head of a team, their responsibilities range from managing the finances, performance and service delivery of a project from start to finish. And that's why they get paid the big bucks: Engagement managers have the highest average base salary among the top 5.

Solutions architect

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Number of job openings: 2,906

Median base salary: $119,500

While this job is relatively new to the ranks, it has more job openings than any other occupation in the top 5. Career opportunities in this field are expected to grow 9 percent through the year 2024, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is faster than the national average for all occupations. 

But a solutions architect goes well beyond IT. Job candidates must also have the business acumen to oversee a team of software engineers and provide overall guidance to make sure everything runs smoothly day to day. 

Tax manager

AndreyPopov | Getty Images

Number of job openings: 1,574

Median base salary: $108,000

Ever since the financial fallout in 2008, tax managers, as well as accountants in general, are no longer the ones standing by themselves in the corner at cocktail parties. Now there is a great demand for those who specialize in compliance and financial record-keeping.

Those with the niche skills set and an LLM are reaping the benefits of a profession with a great amount of job security and newfound popularity.

Not coincidentally, accountants were also named one of the most underrated professions last year.  

Data scientist

Monty Rekusen | Getty Images

Number of job openings: 1,736

Median base salary: $116,840

This budding profession may sound dull, but Harvard Business Review named it the sexiest profession of the 21st century, and Glassdoor's Chamberlain called it "one of the hottest jobs in years." 

For those with the wherewithal to dig through data, draw connections and make some insightful conclusions, there's a load of lucrative opportunities out there — and there's nothing boring about that. 

Click here for Glassdoor's entire list.