
Carly Fiorina: Trump, Clinton are two sides of the same coin

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Fiorina: GOP should unite behind Ted Cruz
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Contested convention coming for GOP?
Obama picks Merrick Garland for Supreme Court
Obama picks Merrick Garland for Supreme Court

Carly Fiorina is not happy with President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court.

The former GOP presidential candidate told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" that she disputes the characterization of Garland as a centrist.

"Of the three names that were floated, President Obama, in typical fashion, has chosen the most liberal out of those three," Fiorina said on Wednesday, adding that she thinks Obama is "seeking a fight" and "thumbing his nose at the entire Republican Party."

Ahead of Garland's nomination, Ed Rogers, former Reagan-Bush advisor and GOP political consultant, said that it is unlikely that any judge nominated by Obama would get a vote.

"There's no chance that this judge, no matter what his record might be or how distinguished his service has been, that he's going to get a vote," Rogers said. "It's just not going to happen."

Senate Majority Leader said as much on Wednesday when he announced that the Senate will not consider Obama's nomination of Garland.

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But the GOP has plenty of other concerns to deal with, most notably selecting their presidential nominee. While Donald Trump is still the front-runner in the Republican race, there is speculation that he would lose in a divided convention.

"If it was any other candidate, right now everybody would be backing off, getting in line, falling in behind the leader," Rogers said. "Trump is such a divisive figure. That's not happening for him. He's going to have to fight it out."

For this reason, Fiorina pressures Republicans to support Ted Cruz, whom she has endorsed since dropping out of the race herself. She argued that Cruz stands the best chance at beating both Trump for the nomination and the likely Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

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Presidential race narrows

"Let's remember that there are a whole set of Americans who believe that the system in Washington, D.C., is broken, that it's too much power collected in the hands of too few people in New York and Washington," Fiorina said.

"Guess what? Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are that system. They're two sides of the same coin," she said. "Neither one of them will reform the system. They will take advantage of the system as they have all their lives."

As for John Kasich, the third contender remaining in the GOP race, Fiorina said that he should drop out soon.

"Kasich can't win the nomination. There's no path for him," she said.