
After Brussels, Anonymous to tackle ISIS and bigotry

Activist hacker group Anonymous is calling for people to stand up against discrimination as part of its fight against Islamic State in the wake of the Brussels terror attacks.

In a video posted to YouTube following Tuesday's bombings, an Anonymous member donned a Guy Fawkes mask to condemn the deadly attacks which were launched by a network tied to the terrorist group known as Islamic State (IS).

Thirty one people were left dead in Brussels on after terror attacks targeting the city's main airport and metro on Tuesday.

An image from the video posted on YouTube, purported to be from Anonymous.

While the group is best known for hacking its targets, this time Anonymous is also calling for compassion.

"You don't have to hack them. If you stand up against discrimination in your country, you harm them much more than by hacking their websites," the video said.

"The Islamic State cannot recruit Muslims in Europe if they are accepted and included in the society. So we want all of you to stand together against discrimination."

It comes amid criticism over the black of integration in Belgium and the isolation of its Muslim communities, like those located in Brussels' Molenbeek — a neighborhood that has gained a reputation for its link to Islamic extremism after ties were found with the Paris attackers.

An image from the video posted on YouTube, purported to be from Anonymous.
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Anonymous originally declared "war" on Islamic State following the tragic events in Paris which saw 130 people killed in coordinated attacks throughout the city last November, and later that month claimed to have taken down 20,000 IS-linked Twitter accounts. .

U.S. intelligence officials are now increasingly convinced that the same terrorist network that carried out the Paris attacks were involved in Tuesday's bombings in Brussels, according to NBC News sources.

"We will not rest as long as terrorists continue their actions around the world. We will strike back against them. We will keep hacking their websites, shutting down their Twitter accounts and stealing their bitcoins. We defend the rights of freedom and tolerance," the video stated.

"When they kill innocent civilians in Belgium they hit everybody in Europe. We have to fight back," the video stated.

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