
Trump may slap tariffs on US companies making things overseas, report says

Measures restricting global trade would damage cyclical metals: BAML
Measures restricting global trade would damage cyclical metals: BAML

Donald Trump said he may impose tariffs on the products of U.S. companies that relocate operations overseas, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Putting a tax on goods produced overseas, even if the manufacturer is a U.S. company, would likely prompt those firms to keep plants in the United States. That would help Trump achieve his goal of keeping American jobs, according to the newspaper's report, which followed the president-elect's first interview since the election.

He also said in the article that the best way to ease domestic tension in the United States would be to "bring in jobs."

"I want a country that loves each other," Trump said in the report. "I want to stress that."

The president-elect also said he would create jobs through national infrastructure projects and improved trade deals with other countries, the newspaper said.

Trump has previously called for a 45-percent tariff on imports from China.

Read the full story on WSJ.com.