
First women, now scientists are planning to march on Washington

Scientists plan their own march in Washington
Scientists plan their own march in Washington

Scientists across the United States could soon begin lacing up their walking shoes.

In the wake of the recent women's marches in Washington D.C., and across the country, and angered by Trump administration decisions around issues such as climate change, a community is forming around the idea of organizing a march of scientists.

The movement reportedly began on Reddit, in a comment thread beneath a link to a report saying the White House was scrubbing references to climate change from the White House website.

The march now has its own subreddit, Twitter and Facebook page, and blog.

Organizers are meeting this weekend to work on the details of a D.C. march as well as sister marches around the country, according to the website. Their Twitter feed says a date will be released in the "next few days."

Organizers say the march is nonpartisan, but they have clear positions on scientific issues such as anthropogenic climate change and the teaching of evolution in schools.

"There are certain things that we accept as facts with no alternatives," the organizers wrote on their website. "The Earth is becoming warmer due to human action. The diversity of life arose by evolution. Politicians who devalue expertise risk making decisions that do not reflect reality and must be held accountable. An American government that ignores science to pursue ideological agendas endangers the world."

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