
Google and H&M create personalized ‘coded couture’ dress based on smartphone app data

Lucy Handley, special to CNBC

"Finding something unique to wear is difficult. It can be expensive or take a lot of time," says Swedish fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten, in a film on the H&M-backed Ivyrevel fashion website.

But now the "I have nothing to wear" dilemma could be solved by a new app, which aims to create a customized dress design based on smartphone data showing someone's location and activity, as well as the weather.

The "data dress" technology is a collaboration between Google and Ivyrevel, and is based on Android's Awareness API, which lets apps "be aware of all aspects of a user's environment," according to a post on the Android Developers' blog.

The new app – which is at trial stage – monitors what someone is doing every day for a week, to recommend and design a dress style for them.

"Where do you regularly eat out for dinner or hang out with friends? Are they more casual or formal meetups? What's the usual weather when you're outside?" writes Google's group creative business partner Jeremy Brook in the post. This information – known as context signals – is passed through an algorithm to tailor the design of the dress, which can then be bought.

"Custom made designs for everyone. You install an app on your phone and select why you need the dress," Zouiten continues in the Ivyrevel film.

The "coded couture" app is at alpha stage and is being tested by fashion "influencers". It will be released publicly later this year, according to the Ivyrevel website.

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