
Crazy Trump tweets don't set off a 'fire drill' at Twitter, says COO Noto

Twitter CEO: Crazy Trump tweets don't set off a 'fire drill'
Twitter CEO: Crazy Trump tweets don't set off a 'fire drill'

The American people elected President Donald Trump, but Twitter is helping to keep his tweets top of mind — and newsfeeds — chief operating officer Anthony Noto said on "Squawk Alley."

"We love that he's using the platform," Noto told CNBC's Jim Cramer. "He's built greater awareness of the platform and the power of the platform."

Twitter wants to be the go-to place for news and events, and Trump's tweeting addiction is helping to drive discussion and spark debate, said Noto.

"That's great for us being able to show what's happening in the world and better than everyone else," he said.

Twitter's smart algorithms are helping Trump — and other news makers — get even more eyeballs today than in previous years, he said.

"Two years ago, if President Trump tweeted at 3 a.m. on the East Coast and you woke up at 6 a.m. on the West Coast, you would never see that tweet — it would be at the bottom of your timeline," he said. "Today that's injected to the top based on your profile and your interests and machine learning, and so you can see that tweet today."

Twitter's ad sales teams are not taking advantage of Trump's tweets to proactively reach out to brands when those tweets seem relevant, said Noto. For instance, the sales team does not scramble to sell Bank of America on buying a promoted tweet in response to tweets like this one Trump issued this morning, he said.


"There is not a fire drill at Twitter," he said. "We have an auction platform that allows advertisers to advertise in the moment in real time without us having to reach out to them."

Ad budgets allocated six months ago have not taken into account Twitter's user growth and engagement, said Noto. He expects more ad dollars to follow eyeballs in the coming months.

"We do face challenges and we do think revenue's going to lag audience growth in addition to the fact that we have to prove return on investment is better, which it is," he said. "We also have to make sure we're putting the right products in front of advertisers."

For more from Jim Cramer's interview with Twitter COO Anthony Noto, tune into "Mad Money" at 6 p.m. Eastern.

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