Tech Guide

How to stop your iPhone from keeping you up all night

A mastiff
Ben Pruchnie | Getty Images

If you're having trouble sleeping at night, changing a single setting on your iPhone or iPad should help you fall asleep faster.

When Apple introduced its update of iOS last March, it included a new feature named "Night Shift." It seems only a few people I talk to actually know about it, though.

Night Shift, as Apple explains, "automatically shifts the colors in your display to the warmer end of the spectrum" at night, cutting out some of the blue light that has been proven to affect your sleep rhythms. If you tend to use your smartphone or tablet while sitting up in bed, that blue light can actually make it much harder to fall asleep. That's where Night Shift comes to the rescue.

You can schedule it to automatically turn on at a specific time — I recommend an hour before you hit the sack. The orange hue it applies to the screen looks weird and takes some getting adjusted to, but it's worth it if you want to get to sleep. You can schedule it to automatically turn off in the morning so that your phone's display looks normal before you head off to work.

Here's how to use Night Shift for a better night's sleep.

Open settings on your iPhone and then tap “Display and Brightness”

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Tap Night Shift

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Make sure the schedule Toggle is turned to “On.” Then set your schedule. Mine runs from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

You can adjust the color temperature, too. I prefer to make mine “more warm,” which makes the screen look more orange. This means there’s less blue light coming through.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

Enable or disable Night Shift at any time by swiping up from the bottom of the display and accessing Control Center. Tap the Night Shift button to toggle it on or off.

Todd Haselton | CNBC

That’s it! Apple also has similar settings on the Mac, and similar features are in the latest Windows 10 update and some Android smartphones. Keep an eye out for it if you want a better night's sleep.

The user wears Ava only while she is sleeping.
Source: Ava