The Brave Ones

The Brave Ones: Upcoming episodes

The Brave Ones: Meet the man behind the driverless car
The Brave Ones: Meet the man behind the driverless car

Tune into the latest episode of The Brave Ones:


Wednesday 24 May: Michael Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club (23.00 CET)

Wednesday 7 June: Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP (23.00 CET)

Wednesday 21 June: Zhang Xin, CEO of Soho China (23.00 CET)




Friday 26 May: Michael Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club (17.00 SIN/HK)

Friday 9 June: Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP (17.00 SIN/HK)

Friday 23 June: Zhang Xin, CEO of Soho China (17.00 SIN/HK)



Saturday 27 May: Michael Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club (9.00 SYD)

Saturday 10 June: Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP (9.00 SYD)

Saturday 24 June: Zhang Xin, CEO of Soho China (9.00 SYD)



Friday 26 May: Michael Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club (20.00 MEX)

Friday 9 June: Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP (20.00 MEX)

Friday 23 June: Zhang Xin, CEO of Soho China (20.00 MEX)

Sergey Brin and Larry Page, co-founders of Google, at an event in 2005, around the time they met Sebastian Thrun.
Google's Larry Page disguised himself during a driverless car race to hire the founder of his moonshot lab

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