PRESS DIGEST-New Zealand newspapers - Oct 9

WELLINGTON, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Following are some of the lead stories from New Zealand metropolitan newspapers on Tuesday.

Stories may be taken from either the paper or Internet editions of the papers.

Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


Christ Church Cathedral shortfall $50m: About half of Christ Church Cathedral's $40 million insurance payout will be spent before the rebuild begins, court documents show.

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Auckland can look skyward to cope with growth: Auckland can handle its population surging to 2 million over the next 20 years if it uses space more efficiently, a population change expert says.

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Huawei warning too late: A warning from the US Congress intelligence committee against doing business with China's Huawei has failed to move Crown Fibre Holdings and 2degrees.

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Spy probe at Tag Oil : New Plymouth police are investigating an allegation of industrial espionage within the oil and gas industry.

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PM rejects idea of crisis in manufacturing: Prime Minister John Key has ridiculed suggestions the manufacturing sector is in crisis and laughed off plans to print money to save it.


Tourism NZ gives an Australian company the job of selling this country to the world: A contract for "the New Zealand Story" - the Government's campaign to promote the country internationally - has been given to a mostly Australian design agency.

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Fight over 470% rise: Angry Auckland apartment owners are rallying against a 470 per cent leasehold land bill rise.

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Watchdog eyeing card fees: Commerce Commission checking if retail costs have come down since rules changed.

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Brand hijacking keeps Mainfreight on toes: Mainfreight boss Don Braid has some advice for New Zealand firms contemplating making a move into China - choose your local partners carefully, maintain a presence in the country and "be careful with your brand".

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Quake exiles look north: Hamilton housing market holds appeal for shaken Cantabrians looking for fresh start.

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