Financial Quiz: NFL Players Put to the Test

New Orleans—Pro football players eat, drink and sleep football.

So, forgive them if they aren't steeped in the meanings of the "fiscal cliff" or sequestration.

But during Super Bowl Media Day, they basically have to (try and) respond to all comers. And as is our tradition, CNBC quizzed the players on the ways of the financial world.

Most people couldn't give a good 15 second explanation of sequestration, so the players get a pass on that one.

(Read More: Nike and the NFL: Sizing Up the First Year.)

Several, however, were not able to tell us how many stocks were in the S&P 500. No pass there.

The clear winners: Ravens center Matt Birk (a Harvard grad), and on the 49ers side, it was kicker David Akers (a dedicated Cramer watcher).

We also surprised 49ers running back LaMichael James. We were tipped off that "American Greed" is his favorite show. We gave him a t-shirt (which he loved), and then he went on to tell us about his favorite episode—the one where the preacher stole money from the church.

James wanted to be forgiven for liking that one so much.

We forgive him.

(Read More: 12 Most Unusual Super Bowl Bets.)

—By CNBC's Brian Shactman; Follow him on Twitter: @bshactman