How to avoid being shark bait

Forget Sharknado.

CNBC's co-anchor of StreetSigns, Amanda Drury – or as we like to call her, Mandy, is a woman used to sparring with some of the toughest sharks on the street.

And as an Australian native, she knows a thing or two about sharks – the ones that swim off the shores of Sydney. Recently hundreds of shark nets were put up around more than 50 beaches in hope (and we do mean in hope) of offering 'some' protection for swimmers.

Growing up down under, Mandy says she and her fellow Aussies really don't think twice about what lurks off the shores, but they're not totally "mad as a snake" they do look take care and watch their "ankle biters"whenever they join the "grommets" and "wax heads" on the beaches.

One tip she does share with CNBC's Brian Steel for those foreign swimmers – or those coming in from the "bush" - make sure your wardrobe is Sydney-style, you don't want to wear "yummy yellow" because well, you could end up being shark bait.

G'day mate.

(What you don't speak Aussie – you can get all your Oz slang here)

By CNBC's Gloria McDonough-Taub