States that spend the most on fast food

Don Bayley | E+ | Getty Images

State-by-state trends regarding fast food spending habits are regional, according to data from the Intuit consumer spending index.

The report, based on information from credit and debit card data, shows residents of Oklahoma spent the most per month on fast food compared with all other states, shelling out more than $101 on average in May.

(Read more: Hamburglar, Spuds, the Colonel retire as fast food grows up)

Residents of Vermont spent the least on fast food during May—less than $28 on average

New York ranks second on the list of states whose residents spend the least on fast food—just over $28.

For all of 2012, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont and Connecticut were the five states whose residents spent the least on fast food for the year

Oklahama, Kansas, West Virginia, Arkansas and Mississippi were the five states whose residents spent the most on fast food for the year.

Read the full story here.

—By CNBC's Jeff Kagan