Chart of the Day

Chart of the Day: Tracking iPhone, iPod sales

On this day in 2007, tech giant Apple first introduced the iPhone, a device the company's co-founder and then-CEO Steve Jobs promised would "reinvent the phone."

"Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything...Apple's been very fortunate—it's been able to introduce a few of these into the world," he said during his introduction to the product.

Since then, iPhone sales have skyrocketed from about 1.4 million in fiscal 2007 to roughly 150.3 million in fiscal 2013, although the pace of gains has slowed. But as these phone sales took off, sales of Apple's iPod began to cool starting in 2009.

From fiscal year 2007 to 2013, iPod sales have fallen by nearly 49 percent, despite innovations, such as the addition of FaceTime and Siri.

Here is the moment Jobs unveiled his invention to the world.