Net Net: Promoting innovation and managing change
Net Net: Promoting innovation and managing change

Morning six-pack: What we're reading Thursday

Adam Jeffery | CNBC

Happy Thursday. Let's try to front run the news of the day.

Here's another voice amid the cacophony over high-frequency trading saying that for long-term investors, it doesn't matter a whole lot. (Forbes) (The first one appeared here Wednesday)

As for the high-speed environment pervasive in trading today, if you don't like it, blame the regulators not the guys who are doing the trading. (Wall Street Journal)

Central bankers are worried that years of ultra-easy monetary policy are spurring a credit bubble in which investors are flocking to risky high-yielding securities. What would ever give them that impression. (Financial Times)

Credit seems to be all the rage these days, with UK regulators looking into whether customers are being treated fairly. (Telegraph)

Pimco's Bill Gross lets us know that he buys his cats at cat shows while musing about Sharpe Ratios, Markowitz portfolios and other things investors need to know in a world where reward comes with high risk. (

And finally ... the real race to the bottom is among the Wall Street prognosticators who are predicting a big drop for the stock market, and soon.'s Katy Barnato has the latest tale of doom.