
Young author sees an Obama 'war on millennials'

Has President Obama been good for millennials?
Has President Obama been good for millennials?

Youth unemployment has slowly declined since its peak at 19.6 percent in April 2010, but it still stands at 16.1 percent, higher than the national average.

Author Katie Kieffer blames the president.

In her new book, "Let Me Be Clear," Kieffer acknowledges that President Barack Obama has drawn the support of millennials, a generation of 95 million, but she argues that he ultimately has let them down.

"We're 79 months past the start of the great recession, and we still haven't recovered those jobs," Kieffer told CNBC.

Employers plan to hire 8.6 percent more college grads this year than they did last year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, but the job outlook is still grim for many young Americans.

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In each chapter, Kieffer attempts to contrast Obama's policies to those of John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. Kieffer says in the book that Obama hasn't created enough jobs for young Americans and cites the "Recovery Summer" of 2010 as an initiative that didn't pay off.

Kieffer was motivated to write the book, she said, after seeing friends who have doctorate degrees working beneath their skills and struggling to pay off their school loans. It claims the president has declared a "war on millennials."

If her website is any indication, Kieffer's influences have a conservative and Libertarian bent. She recommends reading from Ayn Rand and Ron Paul, among others. Her blog advocates open carry of firearms on college campuses and claims that millennials "embrace" hydraulic fracturing.

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Despite the fact that a college graduate earns about $17,500 more annually in salary than a high school graduate, Kieffer still thinks college isn't for everyone.

Most millennials who went to college seem to disagree with her, however. According to a recent study by Wells Fargo, about 3 in 4 millennials who attended college say that their college education was worth the cost.

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And for their part, many employers blame millennials themselves for their job-market failures. Some complain that they're overqualified, but employers believe many recent grads aren't prepared to enter the workforce, according to a university study from earlier this year. Employers cite a poor work ethic and basic lack of job skills for millennials' professional problems.

Kieffer acknowledged the shortcomings of many colleges and universities.

"We know for a fact that many colleges are not providing a very high quality education because employers are complaining that our generation doesn't have the skills necessary to succeed in the workforce," she said.

Kieffer is an advocate of entrepreneurship among young people. Some 54 percent of millennials say they want to start a business, yet only 8 percent actually do so, according to a 2011 poll from Young Invincibles, a non-partisan organization.