Holiday Central

Psst...need gift ideas? Here's something for everyone

Last minute gift ideas
Last minute gift ideas

Time's ticking, holiday shoppers.

It's the final weekend before Christmas, and retail industry experts like ShopperTrak are expecting Saturday, a day they like to call Super Saturday, to be the busiest day of this holiday shopping season. The analytics firm projects retailers will ring up $10 billion in sales on Super Saturday alone.

Read MoreLast-minute shopper? These stores are extending hours

If you're headed to the mall and you've put off your shopping because you don't know what gifts to buy, we've got your back. CNBC has rounded up holiday gift ideas, with suggestions for gadgets and smartphones, video games and toys, and even something special for the ladies in your life—and more.

So here's the only holiday shopping survival guide you'll ever need.

Read MoreBetter act fast—deadlines loom for online orders

Have a gadget hound on your gift list? Here's a guide to help you figure out which ones are worth the money.

When some people think smartphone, they think Apple's iPhone, but depending on your interest—and your budget— there are other options to consider. Here's a guide to some of the hottest smartphones of the year.

New gaming consoles have ushered in a new wave of high-quality video games. Here are some of the season's hottest titles.

Have kids on your shopping list? Don't worry. Here's a collection of toys even Santa would admire.

Don't buy her the same thing you did last year. Here are some ideas that will put a smile on her face.

If you know someone who is an amateur mixologist, you might want to take a peek at these gadgets for lovers of beer, wine and spirits. Cheers!

If you're stumped about what to get the foodie on your list, don't fear. We asked some top chefs and food bloggers for their gift ideas. Take a peek at this slideshow to see what people like Thomas Keller suggest.

And since the holidays are a time to celebrate family, one interesting way to do that is to give a gift that commemorates your family history. Here are some unique ideas that will put a smile on their face.