
Here's how pilots lock down cockpits

How hard is it to get into a locked cockpit?
How hard is it to get into a locked cockpit?

Video has resurfaced showing the reinforced cockpit doors that regulators mandated Airbus to install following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. An Airbus spokesman confirmed to The New York Times on Thursday that the company had produced the footage.

The 2002 video was posted to YouTube. It depicts promotional footage of the reinforced cockpit doors and the locking procedure that crew must undertake when leaving and entering the cockpit.

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The Airbus spokesman told the Times that "any link with the current Germanwings accident is pure speculation." The video was produced for informational purposes, he told the paper.

Video by CNBC's Nina Raja and Ted Kemp.

Read the full New York Times post here.