
Google: When to travel on July Fourth weekend

Online travel hits $35B
Online travel hits $35B

With the holiday weekend approaching, people are solidifying their cookout, getaway and other weekend plans. But before you start filling up the cooler and loading up the car, there's a few key travel hacks to consider to make your weekend trips seamless.

CNBC spoke to the experts at Google's community-based traffic and navigation app, Waze, about the most important information to keep in mind while hitting the roads on a holiday.

From specific rush hour times to the best time to bail on work, these tips will have you at the beach in no time at all.

1. Properly plan your exit.

Leaving work early on Thursday or Friday is a great idea. So great, in fact, that everyone else will be doing it, too. Expect traffic to peak around noon, but it'll also pick up again around 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., when the holiday traffic combines with normal rush hour traffic. Your best bet? Beat the rush by leaving town before 7 a.m.

2. Remember: Fireworks = gridlock.

Generally speaking, most firework shows start and end at the same time. Plan for serious delays from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight on the night of the 4th as everyone will be leaving from their respective technicolor spectaculars.

3. Don't linger.

Regardless of whether you start your weekend on Thursday or Friday, chances are you'll be heading home on Sunday. Data show that Sunday rush hour will occur between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. Reports of traffic are expected to increase 63 percent for the trip home on Sunday.

4. Keep your eyes peeled.

Long weekends are no stranger to the occasional police checkpoint. In previous 4th of July data, Waze saw reports of police activity increase 26 percent on the 4th and 47 percent during the return on Sunday. (And obviously, don't drive if you've been drinking!)

5. Always drive safely.

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. The traffic and navigation app also cites an 18 percent increase in reports of accidents on this holiday weekend.

And for some added weekend-smarts, here's a breakdown of the main days and hours to expect gridlock, based upon your nearest major city provided by Waze.