Europe News

Greek crisis: Concerns grow ahead of key vote as polls hint at 'yes'

There's less than one day to go before a crucial referendum in Greece, which could determine the country's future within the euro zone.

Greeks will vote either "yes" to more austerityand effectively secure their position in the single currency—or "no," risking a potential exit. A snapshot of public opinion ahead of the fateful vote showed that citizens were only barely in favor of the bailout terms, underscoring how deeply divided the country is over getting right with Greece's creditors.

Simultaneously, few can agree on what would happen if the referendum's results turn out to be negative. Some European officials have warned it could spell the end of Greece's euro membership, but Greek politicians have dismissed that interpretation. Either way, chaos and confusion are likely to remain the order of the day as capital controls remain in effect for Greek banks.

Read More 'Take the bailout', Greek voters say—just barely

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