Fast Money

Monday - Friday, 5:00 - 6:00 PM ET

Fast Money

Your first trade for Wednesday, January 27

Final Trade: Golar LNG, Bank of America, & more
Final Trade: Golar LNG, Bank of America, & more

The "Fast Money" traders unveiled their final trades of the day.

Dan Nathan was a seller of Apple calls.

Steve Grasso was a buyer of Bank of America.

Karen Finerman was a buyer of Golar LNG.

Guy Adami was a buyer of the .

Trader disclosure: On January 26, 2016, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC's "Fast Money" were owned by the "Fast Money" traders: Dan Nathan is long WMT Feb Put Spread, long PFE buy-write, long VZ Buy-write, long XLU Feb Call Spread, long QCOM Feb Calls, long UUP March calls, long TWTR, long TLT Apr risk reversal. Steve Grasso is long AAPL, AEO, BA, BAC, CC, DD, DIS, DECK, EVGN, KBH, MJNA, MU, OLN, PFE, PHM, T, TWTR, GDX firm is long AMZN kids own EFA, EFG, EWJ, IJR, SPY. Karen Finerman is long BAC, C, FL, GOOG, GOOGL, JPM, LYV, KORS, M, SEDG, SPY calls, URI, she is short SPY. Her firm is long ANTM, AAPL, BAC, C, C calls, FINL, FL, GOOG, GOOGL, JPM, KORS, LYV, M, MOH, NRF, PLCE, URI, her firm is short IWM, MDY, SPY. Karen Finerman is on the board of GrafTech International.Guy Adami is long CELG, EXAS, GDX, INTC, Guy Adami's wife, Linda Snow, works at Merck.