
Dixville Notch Goes Clinton's Way, Millsfield to Trump

NBC News staff
First in the nation votes are in...
First in the nation votes are in...

And we're off!

Election Day is here. As they do every four years, polls opened at midnight in three small New Hampshire towns and Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton each came away with victories.

The tiny resort community of Dixville Notch went Clinton's way in a 4-2 vote. Gary Johnson also picked up a vote, and one person wrote in Mitt Romney.

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Clinton also topped Trump 17-14 in the town of Hart's Location, where Johnson's Libertarian ticket won three votes.

Trump scored a victory in the town of Millsfield, where voters broke 16-4 in Trump's favor, with Bernie Sanders also picking up one vote.

"The total time from the opening of the polls to the posting of the results was 14 minutes and 15 seconds," Millsfield said on its Facebook page.

Dixville Notch, Hart's Location and Millsfield, each with fewer than 100 residents, are allowed by law to open the polls at at midnight.

Dixville Vote tweet