Full interview with IBM CEO Ginni Rometty on cloud computing, jobs market

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty shared her views on technology trends in an interview Tuesday on CNBC's "Power Lunch."

On Friday's meeting with President Donald Trump: "We've got 5.5 million opens jobs and half a million open tech jobs, so that's really one of the most important things. As we unleash some of this power for growth you have to fill the jobs and they are different kind of job at the intersection of industry and technology and so one of the greatest things we can do is something we've talked about is, developing that. That's really been a focus and was a focus of the meeting on Friday," she said.

On what makes IBM's cloud offering special: "The three biggest differentiators about the IBM cloud and why it is the platform for the next era. One it's enterprise strong. Second it's data first. And third, it's cognitive at the core. And that announcement with AT&T is all three of those," Rometty said.

She also discusses:

  • Tax reform
  • Jobs training 
  • China 

To watch the broadcast interview in its entirety, you must be a CNBC PRO subscriber.