
Amazon just announced the Echo Look, a weird camera that keeps track of your outfits

Key Points
  • The Echo Look is the latest Echo product.
  • It features Alexa like other Echo units, but it's meant to help you keep track of your wardrobe.
  • It has an embedded camera and a "Style Check" service for feedback on outfits.
Amazon announces the Echo Look
Amazon announces the Echo Look

Amazon on Wednesday introduced the Echo Look, a camera that's meant to sit inside your closet and help you keep track of your daily outfits.

If it sounds weird, that's because it is. In fact, we thought it was a joke when we first received information on the new product. The device is capable of snapping "full-length photos and short videos" of you, complete with a computer-generated background blur, and then storing those pictures in a companion app. "Build a personal lookbook and share your photos," Amazon advertises.

Amazon Echo Look features a "Style Check" service that it says "combines machine learning algorithms with advice from fashion specialists." We guess that means it's also willing to provide feedback, even critical, about your outfit choices.


The Echo Look may sound silly, but we bet Amazon has some sort of plan here. Our guess is it could use the Echo Look to start suggesting different clothing items, which users would buy directly from Amazon.

The Echo Look will cost $199.99 when it launches and also features all of the other functions of the Echo Dot and standard Echo. Interested customers can request an invitation from Amazon now.