Evergreen Solar Inc

  • Most of our celebs had a slow day Monday, but James Cromwell "has been a machine" as someone said. Not only is he buying stocks, he's putting those bonus bucks to work--something the other celebs--and you non-celebs should be using to your advantage. Willie Garson used them to put Johnny Bench back in last place.

  • Time now for our weekly webcast program (every Monday) to go over what happened last week and what might play out this week. Remember, it's the start of week four--as CNBC's Dylan Ratigan pointed out. Dylan went over the big gainers from Friday (traded on Thursday) as well as the biggest losers and the most actives. So--here's the info...

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    There's a tough guy in town and he's lookin' to mix it up. We're talking about Herb Greenberg, and he's got a wrong to right with each of our guys. Forget Ali vs. Frasier or even Rosie vs. The Donald -  those were just skirmishes. What follows is a true “Street Fight.”

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    Ever wish your portfolio wasn't at the mercy of a schizophrenic market? We bring you the trades that go their own way. Check out tonight's renegade trade.

  • Big oil. It's a big issue for Democrats on Capitol Hill and one of their announced targets for reform. Today-they're taking up the issue in the House. They're "after" oil they say because of record company profits and high gas pump prices. What are they proposing to do? They want to raise $12.7 billion for research in alternative energy sources.