Analysts Speak on Today’s Market

See what analysts had to say today about the market on CNBC:

Alternative Energy
Pumping up your portfolio with alternative energy investments, with John Quealy, Canaccord Adams energy technology analyst, equity research analyst, vp and CNBC's Sue Herera
12:51 PM [02:34]

Play-By-Play:Corn-Based Ethanol Stocks Now Look Weak

Iran's Impact
Iran continues to provoke the outside world and finds itself facing new U.N. sanctions, with Jon Wolfsthal, Center for Strategic & International Studies fellow, international security program; Greg Priddy, Eurasia Group global energy analyst and CNBC's Bill Griffeth
12:42 PM [04:32]

Story:Oil Update

Technical Analysis of the Markets
CNBC's Guy Johnson and Royce Tostrams, Technical Analyst at Tostrams Groep, examine the yearly euro/dollar, S&P 500 and Nikkei 225 charts.
12:20:00 PM [04:15]

Story:Currency Update

Increasing weakness in the overall housing market could be taking a toll on REITs, and Louis Taylor, Deutsche Bank Securities senior REIT analyst, and Stephanie Krewson, BB&T Capital equity analyst, share their insight with CNBC's Dylan Ratigan.
11:53:00 AM [02:51]

Spotlight on RadioShack
RadioShack is one of only two stocks to survive both recent market drops, and Sooann Roberts, Kaufman Bros. analyst, shares her outlook for the stock with CNBC's Erin Burnett.
9:46 AM [02:40]

Detailed Quote:RadioShack RSH

Money, Markets & Oil
A look at what's moving the markets with Joe Ranieri, Canaccord Adams managing director; Phil Flynn, Alaron Trading sr. analyst; and Boris Schlossberg, sr. currency strategist.
7:30 AM [03:21]

Story:Oil Update

What's Driving Global Market Activity?
M&A activity is continuing to dominate the markets, overshadowing concerns about the capture of fifteen Royal Navy personnel in Iran. Julian Pendock, Senior Investment Analyst at Bedlam Asset Management, has the outlook for the markets with CNBC's Louisa Bojesen.
7:20 AM [04:05]

Tale of Two Consumers
Wall Street gets a glimpse at two very different types of consumers today when Tiffany and Dollar General report their earnings. Milton Pedraza, Luxury Institute CEO, and Charmaine Tang, Citigroup retail analyst, share their insight with CNBC's Becky Quick.
6:50 AM [04:29]