How can Wal-Mart quiet its critics?


“Walmart needs to go back to its roots, and sell American made merchandise. Merchandise made by Americans in the good old U.S.A. instead of China.” -- Bela K., Georgia

“Wal-Mart needs to become more active in the local economy.  They have driven out the mom and pop businesses so they need to fill the void. They need to give to local charities. Supports the local arts, and support local athletic events.  Help parents defray costs for kids that have serious medical needs.” -- Mike Urycki

“Wal Mart: Be honest and open about your intentions and show that you care for the community.” -- Sarla B.

“1. Raise wages. 2. Cover all employees with healthcare coverage. 3. Hire new CEO.”

“Chances of Wal-Mart critics ever being satisfied are about the same as rule of supply and demand being repealed. You could give the workers everything the critics wanted and there would still be some complaints.” -- Ed

“Wal-Mart should not have to answer to critics. It is a publicly traded company whose policies are dictated by management via its shareholders. If the public stops shopping at Wal-Mart it would pressure the company to look at altering its policy. That is the only true way in a free capitalist society to "force" a change.” -- Fred G., Kentucky

“You know what, Wal-Mart is a business that uses a highly successful business model.  They make huge profits by keeping our costs down and providing we the consumer with many needed products. I wish our present government was run like Wal-Mart.  We would be one lean country.  So lets get off Wal-Mart’s back and try to figure out how we can save our near bankrupt government.” -- Irma B.

“As a former employees Wal-Mart needs to raise the minimum wage for employees to $12.00 an hour and provide medical coverage to all employees whether it's in house medical care, or through insurance. Then and only then will Wal-Mart silence its critics. The company has a real problem with treating its employees poorly, i.e. the reason why I left.” -- Daniel, Virginia

“Employees are the ones that make Wal-Mart such a success that it is. They deserve the same consideration as its shareholders. Share the wealth." -- Douglas S.

Wal-Mart needs to just keep doing what their doing and the majority of us will be better off. It is unions who run our cities and states that cost the taxpayers the most in health benefits! DO THE MATH....” -- Kevin S., Rhode Island

“Let me tell you about our new Wal-Mart opening this Wednesday. It was built on the south side of town where most businesses have left over the years. There are no other businesses located on and around the Wal-Mart property, but it’s projected to "revive" the south side in time. This is a positive for Wal-Mart's image that 's not talked about much. They have more positives than negatives or they would not stay in business." -- Billy M., Texas

“By ignoring them.” -- Mike B, TN

“Wal-Mart can only quiet its critics if it completely changes its corporate policies and stops lying about the current ones.  In other words, it cannot quiet its critics.  Wal-Mart has been and continues to be one of the most potent forces for the race to the bottom for the United States.  Bolstered by the lack of basic economic understanding by the bulk of the population who shops there, Wal-Mart forces wages and standards of living down in communities where it locates.  By forcing the small businesses out of the communities where it locates and then by forcing its employees to depend on local, state and federal benefits for health care and even food stamps, Wal-Mart is pushing down standards of living while touting how it is saving its shoppers money.   In Chicago the Wal-Mart fight is influencing the outcome of aldermanic elections with Wal-Mart spending unprecedented dollars against aldermen who opposed having Wal-Marts in the city.  I will NEVER shop at Wal-Mart!” -- Holly H., Illinois

“Wal-Mart should simply say: If you don't like it the way it is.... go work somewhere else. The pervasive attitude of the working classes that they deserve to share in a company’s success is what killed the American auto and steel industries. If you want more pay, get educated so that you are worth more and offer a better product to American business.” -- Clyde N., Tennessee

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“Wal-Mart should just work on getting their revenue growth rate up and ignore the critics. Good results will take care of a lot of critics.” -- Christopher S.

“Every time I visit a Wal-Mart, the store is packed with customers.  The last two times I shopped at Wal-Mart, the biggest problem I saw was not enough checkout counters open to handle the large crowd of customers.  I shop at Wal-Mart because the store usually has the product I want at the best price while competitors sometimes do not have the item it stock and the price is higher. We should be praising Wal-Mart for the good job they have done to keep prices down. In the free market, the most efficient and innovative competitor should come out on top and that is why Wal-Mart has been so successful. No one is forcing people to work at Wal-Mart.  If the employees thought they could find a better job somewhere else, they would.” Richard O., Texas “First, I think the media needs to get off Wal-Mart's back. There are plenty of other retailers following Wal-Mart’s business model and they aren't taking any sort of beating. Second, I think Wal-Mart needs to refigure their wage structure among their employees. As times change in the US, so should Wal-Mart's corporate vision when it comes to employee compensation.” -- Tom J., Kansas

“Start selling items Made In USA and advertising that.  Stop relying on China which only feeds their military – do we want them to have a stronger military then us?” -- Stephanie

“Wal-Mart doesn't have to quiet its critics. They are probably shopping there right now.” --Rebecca F., Connecticut

“Wal-Mart's critics will only be silenced once they are no longer the largest.  Let's be honest - much of the criticism is only there because Wal-Mart is the biggest.  If Target were as big as Wal-Mart, it would be the company in the crosshairs and receive the same scrutiny that has been focused on Wal-Mart.” -- Dan B., Ohio

“Let the unions in.” -- Dave C., Illinois

“I believe Wal-Mart should be a responsible employer and pay all their employees a decent wage.  It's all about perception at this point for their company.  They need to reverse the PR strategy and stop concentrating on the success of Target's marketing campaign and get their public image in order.  As for those Wal-Mart shareholders who love paying low prices, well, as the old saying goes, nothing is free.  Their paying for it in other ways, but don't care to realize it.” -- Joseph J. Arizona

“Be Better to it's employees.  Wake up and understand that there are more progressive companies; for example TARGET.” -- William J., Virginia

“Number of supporters is probably much greater than number of critics.  Wal-Mart has excellent inventory of products at great costs.  I've talked with many Wal-Mart employees, and they like their jobs. Wal-Mart should educate people about its inventory practices and innovative processes. If employees aren't happy at Wal-Mart, then the company should provide opportunities for those employees to improve the products and customer services.  Promote those employees that improve Wal-Mart for its customers.” -- Helen C., Florida

“Wal-Mart management should know that consumers interests need to come first at every point in time. I will advise them to disregard critics and re-strategize in order to serve their customers appropriately and to increase their shareholders ROI.” -- Kehinde K., Nigeria

“I believe Wal-Mart's biggest struggle is not with public opinion, because for many consumers the lowest price almost always wins over what someone on TV thinks about the company. Contrary to most the biggest repair-job Wal-Mart faces every time a critic begins to stir up water is the sediment among its workforce. We all know WMT was not content about's TV ads about Wal-Mart supporting terrorism in US ports, just imagine how hard their 1/2 million blue-blooded American workforce took that statement. Regardless however is the fact that consumers continually come back to Wal-Mart and spend an average $43 a visit. So long as they continue to help the bottom line of the middle and lower classes in the US, critic's words will fall on deaf ears.” -- Gabriel M., New York

"Wal-Mart has raised the standard of living for more Americans than all its critics combined.  Millions of Americans vote with our pocketbooks to shop there, and more Americans CHOOSE to work there than for any other private employer.  Therefore, anyone attacking this all-American company should be ashamed of themselves.  I am especially disgusted at Senators Obama and Edwards for allying themselves with the parasitic and taking cheap shots at Wal-Mart.  Don't these sorry, class-warfare Democrats have better ideas than to attack the one company that is actually improving the lives of us everyday Americans?" -- Bob K., TN

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"Go green. Put right people into management who can win people’s hearts and minds. Don’t be so rebuttal all the time. Sometimes it pays to listen to people." -- A.M.

“Wal-Mart's critics are doing a disservice to Wal-Mart's employees. As a shareholder, I want Wal-Mart to hold labor costs down, and maximize profits.  As a corporate citizen, I want Wal-Mart to treat their employees fairly.  I think they've struck the right balance.  To me, the answer is a much more aggressive PR program that counters the charges of the critics. Personally, I like paying less, and seeing profits. Wal-Mart is doing that.” -- Matt M.

“The only way Wal-Mart can quiet it's critics is if the media stops relaying the information.” -- Teresa D.

“Wal-Mart is going to face constant scrutiny until they give in to the architects of the anti-Wal-Mart campaigns, the unions.” -- Dan H., New York

“They can split the company into 5 parts for the 5 children and do business separately. Their power is destroying the American way of life, one middle class job at a time!” -- Mark

“Wal-Mart has lost sight of its mission. It does not speak to the currency of its customers,  and employees - many of whom are one and the same. It needs to step back, evaluate what has happened, how it is different from its goals, what worked - what didn't - why - and then and only then will they be able to develop a remedial plan. First, they need to talk and listen to their people- after all; the media is not making up these stories!” -- K., Maryland

"They should ignore the idiots.  I think we should have a Wal-Mart appreciation day where people make a trip to Wal-Mart and spend some money there to thank them for all the great things they've done for the country and our economy. " -- Ray M., Florida

"Wal-Mart's critics are only trying to extract exorbitant union dues from the million-plus employees there. They are on their crusade for their own greedy reasons." -- Ray R., Florida

“Who are these critics?  I live in a small town and drive 12 miles to go shopping at Wal-Mart because of the prices, friendly sales people and variety of goods!   Maybe they should  " ignore " critics and listen to their customers.” -- Judy H., Oregon