No.1 - All's Well That Ends Well

While Russian President Vladimir Putin made waves earlier this week by threatening to point his nuclear weapons at targets in Europe, what’s really driving Russia these days is money. The country's GDP per capita has more than doubled in last four years, fueling the rise of a new middle class. How you can profit from their new found wealth?

Note: Tim Seymour of Red Star Asset Management substitutes for Eric Bolling on this show. We call him "The Ambassador"

Tim says Putin is worried about domestic control, nothing more. That’s what all the tough talk has been about recently. He feels Russia is a safe place to invest and recommends buying Russian oil companies such as Lukoil and Gazprom because they will benefit from the growing middle class.

Tim Seymour adds right now he’s a seller of developed markets and buyer of emerging markets.

Jeff Macke feels the potential for returns in Russia are so vast that he tells investors don’t worry about the political issues, just get long.

Pete Najarian feels differently, he has major concerns about Putin.

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Trader disclosure: On June 8 2007, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders:Najarian Owns (AAPL), (BTU), (NFLX), (.VIX) Seymour Owns (AAPL), (EWZ), (GLD), (EWZ), (GLD), (VIP, (MTL), (X), (TWX, Gazprom,) Red Star Asset Management Owns (MBT), (MTL), Gazprom ,Lukoil,,Severstal; Red Star Asset Management Is Short (EEM); Red Star Asset Management Is Short (WBD); Coronat Capital Management Owns (SNE)
Gazprom And Lukoil Are On Pink Sheets In The U.S. But Trade On The Exchange In London