Consider the Source

There are pundits and stock pickers galore on TV and online telling you why the stocks they like are the best. But whenever you hear anyone, Cramer included, make some pronouncement about the market, you have to consider the source before you even think about the content of the advice.

So what qualifies Cramer? Maybe it's because he cashed out well into the black after 25 years of working on Wall Street. Really, though, it’s because he used to play for the bad guys. He was one of the many ruthless hedge-fund managers who made money for themselves while keeping other people’s pockets empty. He knew how to play the game, and he knew all the tricks – and he still does. But now he’s playing for the other team. He’s giving all that expertise and insight to you to help you be a better investor.

So if Cramer’s your man and Mad Money is one of the ways you want to plug into the market, you have to know the manifesto:

  • Mad Money is a chance for Cramer to share his wisdom with regular people.
  • There are no get-rich-quick schemes on this show.
  • Not every stock Cramer discusses will fit your investing strategy or portfolio, so pick and choose those that work for you.
  • By doing homework, you can make well-informed decisions for yourself.

One other thing: Remember that the Lightning Round is not a comprehensive decision from Jim on a stock. It’s a rapid-fire call on a name Cramer heard seconds before. Think of it as a jumping off point for more research rather than a full one and a half thumbs up.

Bottom Line: Cramer earned the right to teach Home Gamers about stocks, but the decision to follow his lead is entirely up to you. If you do decide to come along, be prepared to do your homework. There are no free rides here.

Questions for Cramer?

Questions, comments, suggestions for the Mad Money website?