Commander Planet: Natural Gas


If the returns in your portfolio are so bad they're nothing short of criminal, then it might be time reach for that special red phone and call "you know who" for help!

Following is the report filed by Fast Money’s Trading Superhero, Pete Najarian. (In case you’re wondering, yes it’s supposed to be a little tongue in cheek.)


I am Commander Planet and it’s Green Week. What better time than now for me to use my powers to scour the earth for the cleanest and fastest alternative energy trades. For my play tonight I bring you the power of natural gas.

Environmentalists like the fuel because it’s cleaner burning than coal and oil. Investors like it because it’s cheaper and readily available across the USA. And I like it because demand has surged with natural gas prices up a whopping 400% in the last decade.

Once used primarily for heat, companies are now finding new ways to put natural gas to work. It can also be used to power city buses, airports and maybe even someday our cars.

And natural gas has another energy superhero besides me behind it. I’m talking about Boone Pickens. He was called crazy for saying oil was going to $100 but now he believes natural gas is the future.


Seriously Pete, how do you recommend trading it?

I think natural gas is a buy. Look at Chesapeake Energy , as well as BJ Services and Nabors Industries .

Check out these recent "Commander Planet" posts

> Commander Planet: Solar

> Commander Planet: The Wind Trade

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Trader disclosure: On Apr. 21, 2008, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Macke Owns (DIS), (YHOO), (MSFT), (HAS), (INTC); Najarian Owns (AAPL), (XLF), (YHOO), (UA) (NOK); Najarian Owns (BHI) Calls, (CHK) Calls, (MSFT) Calls, (RSH) Calls, (POT) Calls, (ICO) Calls; Finerman Owns (GS); Finerman's Firm And Finerman Own (MSFT); Finerman's Firm Owns (SUN), (TSO), (VLO), (WMT), (YHOO), (BJS); Finerman's Firm Is Short (IYR), (IJR), (MDY), (SPY), (IWM); Finerman's Firm Owns Shares Of Expro International Group PLC; Finerman's Firm Is Short Pounds; GE Is The Parent Company Of CNBC; NBC Universal Is The Parent Company Of CNBC; Charles Schwab Is A Sponsor Of "Fast Money"