My Favorite College Football Player Cards


As I've mentioned, I'm a big college football fan. It's my sport. And although I'm really not a card collector anymore, I still love opening packs of cards. It's why you'll see me reviewing the latest and greatest every once in a while.

Well, my favorite day of the year for opening cards is today. It's when I open my boxes of Sage. If you're not a junkie, you might not know what I'm talking about. But these cards are awesome. They're players that are going to be drafted tomorrow in their college football jerseys and they are chock full of autographs. The low and high series boxes are out now and there are two more products coming out next month.

Here are my favorite pulls from my going through 60 packs this morning. (I know, my index fingers hurt right now.)

1. Steve Slaton needs some help spelling his name.


2. Apparently, so too does Sedrick Ellis.


3. If Joe Flacco makes it, this card could skyrocket.


4. Allen Patrick's signature is short and sweet.


Questions? Comments?