Why I Don't Vote—But Don't Take It Away From Me

This is why I don't vote: Probability Your Vote Will Make A Difference. These guys calculate that your vote has a one in ten million shot at swinging the presidential election if you live in New Mexico, New Hampshire, Virginia or Colorado. Well, I live in New York, and even if I lived in those states, I wouldn't spend even fifteen minutes doing something that had a one in ten million chance of making a difference.

Economically speaking, I'm one of those people who believes that voting is completely irrational. although I'd be one of the first people to start throwing rocks and putting up barricades if my right to vote was ever taken away. Just because I never use my toaster-oven, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate having it around. In practice your vote really can't be decisive, even in an election for local dog catcher, because if it comes within one vote they'll call for a recount and the total will likely change.

Some people have good polling places where they can vote quickly, some people have to wait in line for hours. Either way it's time wasted. Time you could be using to work and make money, time you could be using to do something fun. In other words, time is precious and you shouldn't squander yours by exercising your civic duty.

Now maybe you get a kick out of being a good citizen, and in that case you're most likely beyond help. Maybe you care about politics, but that's no reason to vote. I care about politics, it's why I donate to candidates because money actually makes a difference. Great system we have, isn't it? I used to volunteer when I was younger and more idealistic—think high school.

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