Suze Orman's Trade


Whether you’re a baby boomer thinking about retirement -- or recent college grad just trying to stay afloat, when America needs advice about money – they turn to Suze Orman.

She’s been called the nation’s most trusted financial advisor and her new book Suzie Orman’s 2009 Action Planreleased just last month is already in its third printing – and is set to hit number one on the New York Times best seller list next week.

We know the financial crisis has made trading treacherous, but fortunately Suze’s an expert at navigating rough waters. See for yourself!

Question: After the huge sell-off in October and November, some stocks have rallied back strongly – like Goldman Sachs which is up 30% in December. Do you hold onto these ‘recovery’ names? Sell them here? Or add more?”

Orman: “Don't put all your money into one stock. Instead, invest using ETFs. If you’re looking for a financial play you might want to buy an ETF such as the PowerShares Financial Preferred which pays a dividend while you hold it.

But that’s not all Suze also has a few tips she recommends for investors.

Suze Orman’s Investor Advice

*If you do not have 10 years or longer, you shouldn't be in this market especially with money you need.
*GLD should be part of every portfolio
*Look at high yield dividend paying ETFs such as the SPDR S&P Dividend as an easy way to diversify your portfolio. (This is the strategy she recommended in the Q&A)

What's the bottom line? "Don't let Wall Street scare the be-doodle out of you," says Orman. "Become the master of your own financial destiny."

It’s always more fun to hear from Suze herself. Watch the video now.

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Trader disclosure: On Jan. 12th, 2008, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Macke Owns (TM), (WMT), (MGM), (MCD), (SDS); Adami Owns (AGU), (C), (BTU), (GS), (INTC), (MSFT), (NUE); Najarian Owns (MS); Najarian Owns (EEM) Long Call Spread; Najarian Owns (ERTS) Long Call Spread; Najarian Owns (DNA) Calls; Najarian Owns (XME) Calls; Najarian Owns (NVLS) Calls; Najarian Own (NVDA) Calls; Najarian Owns (MS) Short Calls; Najarian Owns (VZ) Put Spread; Finerman's Firm Owns (MSFT), (DNA); Finerman's Firm Is Short (IYR), (IJR), (IWM), (MDY), (SPY), (USO), (ANF), (DSX), (BBT), (COF), (EGR) with wires