Sex Still Sells In Sports Marketing

Anna Rawson
Anna Rawson

Endorsement deals have been falling off the face of the earth, but a woman golfer, who hasn't made a single cut in the four LPGA tournaments she has played in this year, recently picked up a pretty big deal.

Her name is Anna Rawson. She's a 27-year-old Australian beauty turned pro golfer and the fact that she hasn't had a single round under par in this country in 2009 hasn't deterred the folks at Go Daddy from making her their next star to join a roster that includes Danica Patrick and Amanda Beard.

"She'll get more eyeballs from her Go Daddy exposure than she would if she played a whole season on the LPGA," said her agent Anthony Rodriguez, who met Rawson at a fraternity house while the two attended USC. "There at ten times more eyeballs on those spots than there are people watching the Golf Channel. I mean, for Lorena Ochoa to get on SportsCenter she'd not only have to win a tournament. She would have a shoot a ball off a tree into the hole."

So far, Rawson has appeared on the homepage of the internet domain buying site and has worn the company's logo on her garb since March, but Barb Rechterman, executive vice president of Go Daddy, told us the company will shoot a commercial with Rawson in the next month.

"All I can tell you right now is we'll shoot it at a golf course and it will be Go Daddy-esque, meaning fun, edgy and slightly inappropriate," said Barb Rechterman, executive vice president of the company.

Rodriguez said that his client's endorsement fees are probably the fifth highest among women golfers behind the likes of Michelle Wie, Paula Creamer, Natalie Gulbis and Ochoa. That's pretty remarkable considering she turned pro in the summer of 2004, has only won$62,798 in her LPGA career.

Anna Rawson
Source: Anthony Rodriguez
Anna Rawson

"When Lorena wins, it's not like she becomes more valuable every time she wins," Rodriguez said. "No one in the marketing world is counting. Regardless of whether Anna is winning, her picture stops the page."

Rawson also has a deal with swedish clothing company J. Lindeberg and has a golf column that is syndicated to 15 different magazines. Rodriguez says there also deals on the table to have her host television shows.

Although Rawson made just five of 13 LPGA cuts last year, she does get around the world. She had a top 10 finish in the US, in Europe and Korea.

Rawson is poised to capitalize on her popularity. She recently started a Twitter Page with her name as a handle.

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