Your Questions About... Thursday's Market Correction


Time to sort through the Fast Money in-box and answer more of your questions.

Karen from Arizona

Karen writes, "If the correction is back on, what defensive names would you recommend?"

If we do get back into defensive mode you should look at ExxonMobil , Wal-Mart or Pharma and Biotech as places to hide out, replies Joe Terranova.


Joe from New Jersey

Joe writes, “Should I buy regional banks on today’s pull back?”

I’m staying away from regional banks, replies Steve Grasso. I’d rather go with JPMorgan or Wells Fargo.

From Twitter

A viewer tweets, “considering the pullback in the tech market, how do you feel about Intel ?

I love Intel, replies Pete Najarian. I particularly like that the stock is holding $15.


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Trader disclosure: On May 21st, 2009, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Najarian Owns (APC) Call Spread; Najarian Owns (BX) Calls; Najarian Owns (INTC) Calls; Najarian Owns (ISIS); Najarian Owns (MOS) Call Spread; Najarian OWns (XHB) Call Spread; Najarian Owns (XLB) Call Spread; Najarian Owns (XLU) Call Spread; Najarian Owns (BP) Call Spread; Terranova Owns (GENZ), (ABI), (JOYG), (XBI), (TER); Terranova Owns Oil Futures; Terranova Owns Nat Gas Futures; Terranova Owns (DIS) Calls; (XOM) Calls; Terranova Owns June Gold Futures; Grasso Owns (NYX), (XLF), (RIMM), (V); Grassso's Clients Owns (PETM); Grasso's Firm Owns (WMT); Grasso's Client Owns (SUN); Grasso Owns (NYX); Seymour Owns (AAPL), (BBT), (BX), (EEM), (FLR), (TTM), (INFY), (MGM), (PBR); Seymour is Short (FCX), (POT)