Your Questions About... US Steel, Treasurys & More


Time to sort through the Fast Money in-box and answer more of your questions.

Ed from New Jersey

Ed writes, "I have been in the TBT since it was at 49; do you think it has further to run or should I get out?"

I would take 1/3 to 1/2 off the table, replies Karen Finerman, and hold onto the rest.

Ron from Connecticut

Ron writes, "US Steel has had a real fast run up the last two weeks. Do you think the steel companies will continue to climb? Or is this a good opportunity to sell short?"

I say get out, counsels Guy Adami. The stock had a big run and steel prices are down.


Sharad from New York

Shared writes, "The regional banks are still supposed to be on shaky ground considering the commercial mortgages they have on their books. What does this mean for ProShares UltraShort Real Estate ETF ?"

Two words that scare me are ultra and short, replies Jeff Macke. I'd get out.


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Trader disclosure: On June 11th, 2009, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Adami Owns (AGU), (C), (GS), (INTC), (BTU), (MSFT), (NUE); Macke Owns (BAC), (AGU), (USO), (SDS); Finerman Owns (RIG), (TBT); Finerman's Firm Own (NOK), (PBR), (RIG), (TBT); Finerman's Firm Is Short (BAC); Finerman's Firm Owns (BAC) Preferred; Finerman Owns (BAC) Preferred; FInerman's Firm Owns (WFC) Preferred; Finerman Owns (WFC) Preferred; Terranova Owns (TER), (SDS), (XBI), (ABT), (RIMM), (GENZ); Terranova Is Short (RIG), (OIH), (FCX); Terranova Is Short (XOM) Call Spread; Terranova Owns (BRCM) & (BRCM) Calls; Terranova Owns (MS) & (MS) Calls; Terranova Owns (HES) & (HES) Calls; Terranova Owns (DIS) Call Spread; Terranova Owns (X) & (X) Calls; Terranova Owns (JPM) & (JPM) Calls; Terranova Owns (POT) & (POT) Calls; Terranova Owns (IBM) & (IBM) Calls