Pressure Will Be On Vick's Every Word

Even though Michael Vick's mentor Tony Dungy had said earlier in the week that a team would sign Michael Vick, many -- including Vick's own team apparently -- assumed that quarterback's first chance to apologize would come in a taped interview on "60 Minutes" on Sunday.

With a press conference coming on Friday morning, we're now assuming Vick's first recorded words out of prison will come with an Eagles banner behind him.

Those who rationalized the media plan for Vick, which included exclusively letting the CBS news magazine into a speech in front of kids for the Humane Society, said perhaps it was done because Vick wasn't particularly good at explaining what he did and why he did it.

Now he'll have to get good in the next couple of hours.

Maybe the "60 Minutes" interview was a nice practice for Vick in terms of answering questions, but with the Eagles timing, he loses the "I already told 60 Minutes that" card.

Had Vick and his team let cameras and reporters into his two previous speeches for the Humane Society over the last couple days, there would be less pressure on Friday's news conference. We would have already known some of his answers. We would already have a read on whether we thought he was really sorry. Instead, we all come in cold to Vick and that Vick's fault. He now needs to make the most of giving a second, first interview -- this time to the Philadelphia press.

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