Prepared For A Wicked Winter? (As An Investor We Mean)

According to the latest forecast from AccuWeather, 2010 could bring the worst winter in 25 years. They say states from the Rockies to the Atlantic should expect bitterly cold temperatures not experienced since 1985.

Even Florida, which has been hovering around freezing levels overnight recently, is feeling the almost-nationwide chill.

Citrus growers in the sunshine state are worried they may lose part of their crops while ranchers in the Midwest are concerned about livestock.

And it’s not just a problem here in the US. Britain is struggling with wicked winter temperatures, as are parts of China.

Considering cold and storms could disrupt everything from crops to travel how should you be positioned?

I think the trade is nat gas, says strategic investor Dennis Gartman. And I’d play it with the following:
Pengrowth Energy Trust
San Juan Basin Royalty Trust
Chesapeake Energy
Devon Energy
Asia-Pacific Income Fund

Or take a look at coal stocks such as James River Coal or Arch Coal , Gartman adds.

I’m also bullish coal, adds Pete Najarian.

With a deep freeze coming I think about crops, counsels Tim Seymour. Sugar will probably continue to rally.

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Trader disclosure: On January 6th, 2010, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Seymour Owns (AAPL), (AA), (BAC), (EEM), (F), (INTC), (TRINA); Seymour Is Short (PBR), (POT); Najarian Owns (BG) Call Spread; Najarian Owns (CLF) Calls; Najarian Owns (CLF); Najarian Owns (FCX); Najarian Owns (MS); Najarian Owns (SOLF) Call Spread; Najarian Owns (TCK) ; Najarian Owns (TJX); Terranova Owns British Pound Futures; Terranova Owns Copper Futures; Terranova Owns (BAC); Terranova Is Short (CMA); Terranova Works For (VRTS); Finerman Owns (AAPL), (RIG); Finerman's Firm Owns (BAC) Preffered; Finerman Owns (BAC) Preferred; Finerman's Firm Owns (MSFT), (PBR), (PDE), (RIG), (WMT), (PLCE) (TJX)

For Kimberly Greenberger
Citi Owns (ANF)
Citi Owns (ARO)
Citi Owns (LTD)
Citi Owns (GPS)
Citi Owns (JCG)
Citi Owns (PLCE)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (AEO)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (ANF)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (ANN)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (JCG)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (LTD)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (PLCE)
Citi Has Received Compensation from (TJX)
(PLACE) Has Been A Client of Citi in Past 12 Months
(LTD) Has Been A Client of Citi in Past 12 Months
(GPS) Has Been A Client of Citi in Past 12 Months

For Dennis Gartman
Gartman's Canadian Fund Owns (FAX)
Gartmans' Canadian Fund Owns (PGH) with wires