Beyond the Barrel: The Race to Fuel the Future

Quiz: QUIZ: Alternative Energy

Question 4 of 10

When did Ed Begley, Jr. buy his first electric car?

  1. 1970
  2. 1980
  3. 1990
  4. Never

Actor Ed Begley, Jr. first became aware of environmental issues as a child growing up in Los Angeles under the city's thick curtain of smog. He decided not to be part of the problem, and he has remained one of Hollywood's greenest celebrities ever since. It wasn't always easy though, particularly before the environmental movement went mainstream. For example, in 1970 he bought his first electric car, a Taylor-Dunn, which he describes as looking utterly ridiculous. "It was essentially a golf cart," Begley explained in an interview with the New York Times. "It had canvas doors. It had a tiller instead of a steering wheel. I drove it around L.A. and got the reaction I deserved." Today, he drives an electricity-powered S.U.V., the Toyota RAV4, and he likely gets a better reception than he did in 1970.

SOURCE: Hollywood And Green | New York Times