The Politics of Foreclosure

On Friday afternoon, I wrote about how IRON, The Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act, went from its beginnings as a dull bipartisan bill, which unanimously passed the House and Senate, to a political hot potato.


The Secretary of State for the state of Ohio, Jennifer Brunner, was an early critic of the bill. David Streitfeld and Gretchen Morgenson reported in the New York Times that Brunner "suggested in a telephone interview on Tuesday that a bill passed by Congress last week about notarizations could facilitate foreclosure fraud."

Today, a supporter of the bill forwarded to me an emailfrom Jennifer Brunner's office that makes clear her opposition: "Even though I don't have the power under state law to investigate or prosecute, I couldn't stand idly by without acting." (Click for full email)

The supporter pointed out that the emailappears to be a campaign solicitation: A 'DONATE' button is clearly visible at the bottom of the email I received.

Secretary Brunner may sincerely believe that the IRON Act is bad for home owners in her state — and she may be mobilizing opposition to the bill for the best of motives — but it would also appear that she sees the political value in making her opposition public.

A call seeking comment from Secretary Brunner's office was not immediately returned on Monday, perhaps due to the Columbus Day holiday.

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